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Tiling window manager windows 10

Our view is that there is no point marketing to a virtually non-existent market. There may be some cash buyers who may forego a survey and viewing but surely any offers would be ridiculously low. Potential purchasers are likely to want to try and renegotiate once an actual physical viewing can take place prior to completion, which could cause vendors much disappointment. ‘Virtual’ viewings may result in conditional offers but these would be of little value whilst surveyors, lenders and solicitors are unable to proceed in the normal way. There are very few potential buyers out there willing to view houses and actual viewings should not take place anyway under lockdown. Those agents may feel they are gaining a market advantage but our view is that in most cases this will not be in the interest of vendors for the following reasons. We have given this considerable thought and feel this is inappropriate and presently against Government instructions, although we can offer a limited listing service in certain circumstances. We are also aware that some estate agents are offering a ‘virtual valuation’ system so that properties can be listed at this time.

tiling window manager windows 10

We have received a small number of enquiries regarding listing new properties for sale during the lockdown period.

Tiling window manager windows 10